Anonymous, private, non-indexed text and image hosting focused on quick creating and easy sharing.
Website supports uploading using PUT in which case website output will be either URL of newly created Paste or short error description.
Here is simple alias, which you can save to your .bashrc
alias paster="curl --request PUT --data-binary @- && printf '\n'"
Then you can pipe text like this
ls | paster
It also works for images:
cat some-image.jpg | paster
Or different application like photo from Raspberry's raspistill:
raspistill -w 1280 -h 720 -o - | paster
For little more robust approach you can also download script and save it locally only for you...
mkdir ~/bin -p && wget -O ~/bin/paster && chmod +x ~/bin/paster
... or globally for all users (root permission required)
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/paster && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/paster
Then you can use it also other way around to paste file path as first argument:
paster some-image.jpg